Here you can search for materials involving a specific language. This can be the language involved in the task (a language that the material addresses) and/or the language of the student’s learning material (a language students are expected to work with).
Learners should work in pairs (Learner A-B). Each learner receives a different worksheet: Learner A receives the Worksheet Grocery List A in Language A. Following the scenario instructions on the worksheet, Learner A should relay information related to food and practise polite question forms in Language B. Using the Worksheet Grocery List B, Learner B listens carefully to the information introduced by Learner A in Language B and then B selects the fruit and vegetables just mentioned by Learner A and writes them down in Language B.
Themes: FoodShopping
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scales for mediating text:
Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writing
Educational levels: ISCED 1 (Primary education)
CEFR language proficiency level: A1A2
Languages involved in the task: EnglishFinnishGreekhome language
Language of the teacher's material: English
Languages of the student's materials: EnglishFinnishGreek
Grocery list English-Finnish (Task 1)
Grocery list Greek-English (Task 2)
Grocery list English-Greek (Task 3)
The aim of this activity is to practise a specific vocabulary, introduce learners to different text media, and raise intercultural awareness. Learners read a short text in Language A about a friend’s missing dog and they then have to create an Instagram post and a “lost dog” flyer in Language B.
Themes: Pets/ animals
Processing text in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scales for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageStreamlining a text
Educational levels: ISCED 1 (Primary education)ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)
CEFR language proficiency level: A2
Languages involved in the task: EnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekPolishSwedish
Languages of the student's materials: EnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekPolishSwedish
Lost dog Greek-English (Task 4)
Lost dog English-French (Task 47)
Lost dog English-Estonian (Task 48)
Lost dog English-German (Task 49)
Lost dog English-Swedish (Task 50)
Lost dog English-Polish (Task 51)
Lost dog French-English (Task 52)
Lost dog French-Estonian (Task 53)
Lost dog French-German (Task 54)
Lost dog French-Swedish (Task 55)
Lost dog French-Polish (Task 56)
Lost dog Estonian-English (Task 57)
Lost dog Estonian-French (Task 58)
Lost dog Estonian-German (Task 59)
Lost dog Estonian-Swedish (Task 60)
Lost dog Estonian-Polish (Task 61)
Lost dog Greek-French (Task 62)
Lost dog Greek-Estonian (Task 63)
Lost dog Greek-German (Task 64)
Lost dog Greek-Swedish (Task 65)
Lost dog Greek-Polish (Task 66)
Lost dog Finnish-French (Task 67)
Lost dog Finnish-Estonian (Task 68)
Lost dog Finnish-German (Task 69)
Lost dog Finnish-Swedish (Task 70)
Lost dog Finnish-Polish (Task 71)
Lost dog German-Estonian (Task 72)
Lost dog German-Polish (Task 73)
Lost dog German-French (Task 74)
Lost dog German-English (Task 75)
Lost dog German-Swedish (Task 76)
Lost dog Polish-Estonian (Task 77)
Lost dog Polish-German (Task 78)
Lost dog Polish-French (Task 79)
Lost dog Polish-English (Task 80)
Lost dog Polish-Swedish (Task 81)
Lost dog Swedish-English (Task 82)
Lost dog Swedish-German (Task 83)
Lost dog Swedish-Polish (Task 84)
Lost dog Swedish-Estonian (Task 85)
Lost dog Swedish-French (Task 86)
Lost dog Finnish-English (Task 5)
This is a project-based task that focuses on email communication between learners and teachers. The duration of the task is two lessons. There are eight distinct steps. The aim is to familiarise learners with the style of email communication in general, and raise awareness of intercultural communication in particular.
Themes: Communication/social media
Relaying specific information in speech / in writing
Linking to previous knowledgeStreamlining a text
Educational levels: ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))
CEFR language proficiency level: B2
Languages involved in the task: EnglishFinnishGreek
Student teacher e-communication English-Finnish (Task 18)
Student teacher e-communication English-Greek (Task 19)
Student teacher e-communication Finnish-English (Task 20)
Student teacher e-communication Greek-English (Task 21)
More details on these levels
ISCED 1: Primary education ISCED 2: Lower secondary education ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
More details on these scales