Here you can search for materials involving a specific language. This can be the language involved in the task (a language that the material addresses) and/or the language of the student’s learning material (a language students are expected to work with).
The aim of this activity is to practise a specific vocabulary, introduce learners to different text media, and raise intercultural awareness. Learners read a short text in Language A about a friend’s missing dog and they then have to create an Instagram post and a “lost dog” flyer in Language B.
Themes: Pets/ animals
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scales for mediating text:
Processing text in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume scales for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageStreamlining a text
Educational levels: ISCED 1 (Primary education)ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)
CEFR language proficiency level: A2
Languages involved in the task: EnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekPolishSwedish
Language of the teacher's material: English
Languages of the student's materials: EnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekPolishSwedish
Lost dog Greek-English (Task 4)
Lost dog English-French (Task 47)
Lost dog English-Estonian (Task 48)
Lost dog English-German (Task 49)
Lost dog English-Swedish (Task 50)
Lost dog English-Polish (Task 51)
Lost dog French-English (Task 52)
Lost dog French-Estonian (Task 53)
Lost dog French-German (Task 54)
Lost dog French-Swedish (Task 55)
Lost dog French-Polish (Task 56)
Lost dog Estonian-English (Task 57)
Lost dog Estonian-French (Task 58)
Lost dog Estonian-German (Task 59)
Lost dog Estonian-Swedish (Task 60)
Lost dog Estonian-Polish (Task 61)
Lost dog Greek-French (Task 62)
Lost dog Greek-Estonian (Task 63)
Lost dog Greek-German (Task 64)
Lost dog Greek-Swedish (Task 65)
Lost dog Greek-Polish (Task 66)
Lost dog Finnish-French (Task 67)
Lost dog Finnish-Estonian (Task 68)
Lost dog Finnish-German (Task 69)
Lost dog Finnish-Swedish (Task 70)
Lost dog Finnish-Polish (Task 71)
Lost dog German-Estonian (Task 72)
Lost dog German-Polish (Task 73)
Lost dog German-French (Task 74)
Lost dog German-English (Task 75)
Lost dog German-Swedish (Task 76)
Lost dog Polish-Estonian (Task 77)
Lost dog Polish-German (Task 78)
Lost dog Polish-French (Task 79)
Lost dog Polish-English (Task 80)
Lost dog Polish-Swedish (Task 81)
Lost dog Swedish-English (Task 82)
Lost dog Swedish-German (Task 83)
Lost dog Swedish-Polish (Task 84)
Lost dog Swedish-Estonian (Task 85)
Lost dog Swedish-French (Task 86)
Lost dog Finnish-English (Task 5)
This task aims at familiarizing learners with different text types and practising their skills in comprehending texts in Language A and producing in Language B and vice versa. In the first part, learners mediate a German text about tourism information in Spanish. Then a Spanish text is mediated into German or a heritage language, involving intercultural aspects and using a text format that learners are accustomed to: a WhatsApp message. In the third stage, learners reflect on their own experiences with mediation.
Themes: Travelling/ countries
Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writing
CEFR language proficiency level: B1
Languages involved in the task: GermanSpanishhome language
Languages of the student's materials: GermanSpanish
A Mexican in your town German-Spanish
More details on these levels
ISCED 1: Primary education ISCED 2: Lower secondary education ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
More details on these scales