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Language of schooling in subject learning – Identifying and integrating linguistic and subject objectives: online workshop (Croatia, 13 November and 11 December 2020)

ECML training and consultancy event

Author: Catherine Seewald/22 December 2020/Categories: Show on front page, Languages of schooling, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC Subject learning

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Dates of the online workshop: 13 November and 11 December 2020
Local organisation: Ms Snježana Šincek, Ministry of Science and Education
ECML experts: Ms Eli Moe (Norway) and Mr Artashes Barkhanajyan (Armenia)
Participants:27 teachers in primary and secondary schools, teacher trainers, university professors and assistants


Language of schooling in subject learning – Identifying and integrating linguistic and subject objectives workshop was held online in Croatia on 13 November and 11 December 2020, in cooperation of the European Centre for Modern Languages and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.

The two-day workshop was moderated by a team of ECML experts – Ms Eli Moe from Norway and Mr Artashes Barkhanajyan from Armenia.

During the workshop participants became familiar with methods and practical procedures which will help them to identify students’ language needs in their subject. They were enabled with different scaffolding techniques to create teaching materials, support their students in writing, speaking, and reading tasks, and to motivate their students to reflect on their own learning. In time between two days of the workshop, participants were motivated to conduct their case studies which they presented on second day of the workshop. Presenters presented their newly adopted skills in thematically different areas and subjects, and their case studies were accepted with great enthusiasm and appreciation.

Snježana Šincek, local organiser of the workshop



Croatian version

Radionica Jezik obrazovanja u predmetnoj nastavi – Utvrđivanje i integriranje jezičnih i predmetnih ciljeva je u Hrvatskoj održana online 13. studenoga i 11. prosinca 2020. godine, u suradnji Europskog centra za moderne jezike i Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske.

Dvodnevnu radionicu moderirao je tim stručnjaka ECML-a - gospođa Eli Moe iz Norveške i gospodin Artashes Barkhanajyan iz Armenije.

Tijekom radionice sudionici su upoznati s metodama i praktičnim postupcima koji će im pomoći u prepoznavanju jezičnih potreba učenika u svom predmetu. Različitim tehnikama osposobljeni su za stvaranje nastavnih materijala, podršku učenicima u pisanju, govoru i čitanju i motiviranje učenika za samoprocjenu vlastitog učenja. U razdoblju između dva dana radionice, sudionici su potaknuti na provođenje studija slučaja koje su predstavili drugog dana radionice. Izlagači su predstavili svoje novo usvojene vještine u tematski različitim područjima i predmetima i njihove studije slučaja su prihvaćene s velikim entuzijazmom i uvažavanjem.

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